Top 10k strings from Prince, The (1984)(CCS).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   4 f(t)=f(t)+1
   3 ((r(t)-x1*10000
   2 x$="save":
   2 x$=" "+x$:
   2 r(t)=r(t)-1000
   2 r(t)=r(t)-
   2 f(t)=f(t)-1
   1 ~bhxhb~~"(8( x
   1 z$=w$(s3+1
   1 x$=j$+o$(t(4
   1 x$="show ring"
   1 waterflamimagicpinchcrown
   1 up=up+(x$="s")-(x$="n")
   1 u=u+((x$="6")
   1 the kitchen a cool placedrawing rooma long hall covered way paved squaresouth tower the library tower roof  the old well
   1 repfinrobstekilhit
   1 r1=ac+up*5
   1 r(t)=r(t)-n:
   1 r(t)=r(t)-100
   1 r(t)=r(t)+n:
   1 r(t)=r(t)+1000
   1 r(n)=10000
   1 r(b)=r(b)-1000
   1 q$=o$(s4+1
   1 protshriloantria
   1 l1=l1+(l1<5
   1 l$="Scroll in "+g$(h+1
   1 helmravescytfletlashorlaorsimidgpascsourmerrbradgrasambrporcfernbankpringoregampfell
   1 grandfather
   1 discoloured
   1 delapidated
   1 dUFF<ZFPU<<K
   1 d(n)=55377
   1 crystal    sword
   1 crystal    Z
   1 cloistered
   1 callmovetakedroplookopenclosentejumpuse hit burydig hidereadwritpushpullkillfeeleat drincut climgivewaitaudiliftwearshowreplremounfaundotap shouswapexamxxxxyyy
   1 c(t)=c(t)+y*j:
   1 ac=ac+(x$="e")-(x$="w")
   1 a=a+((x$="8")
   1 To be master alone,
   1 This is Helmut -hecosts 30 crowns tocall and is good  at kidnap. He is  90 pc reliable ...Raven specialises in assault and hasa reliance score  of 75: it costs 30crowns to call himThis is Scyther   He is a good thief- reliability 80 -and you can call  him for 35 crowns This is Fletcher  He is good at pro-tection and steal-ing. Reliance is  85: Call for 40 crLash is good with a whip and is 70pcreliable: call himfor 30 crowns
   1 Scroll in tower roof  
   1 Press any key to continueF
   1 Press 1, 2 or 3 to choose
   1 J OK, I'm here---
   1 Information InstructionsHench buyingSpy buying  
   1 Helmut  Raven   Scyther FletcherLash    Orlando Orsini  Midge   Pascal  Sourgut Merry   Bradshaw
   1 Grasper Ambrose Porcus  Fernando
   1 Goods belong to 
   1 E You called---
   1 >Its a deal! Now what --- Not yours to sell, friendYou're carrying too much!I've no such goods on me   Off he goes!
   1 > What do you want  with me---
   1 ;q1;" below for ";p$(b1):
   1 ;p$(n);" is also here!":
   1 ;"the screen":
   1 ;"present location:":
   1 ;"passcode for ";p$(t):
   1 ;"keys for";
   1 ;"is only for ";p$(t);
   1 ;"Your turn is over"
   1 ;"Your spy is";
   1 ;"Your Hench is";
   1 ;"You take your ";o$(v1):
   1 ;"You drop your ";o$(v1):
   1 ;"Who works for ";p$(l):
   1 ;"When ready, enter the";
   1 ;"Well done!!";
   1 ;"Welcome to The Prince";
   1 ;"Use 'move' / direction":
   1 ;"Turn ends":
   1 ;"The winner and new ";
   1 ;"The scroll reads:";
   1 ;"The following information";
   1 ;"That's who ---":
   1 ;"THE WORD:-":
   1 ;"THE THING:-":
   1 ;"Suit Yourself!":
   1 ;"Start own tape":
   1 ;"Sorry, goods not found -":
   1 ;"Someone's ";o$(n-55500
   1 ;"Present location:-":
   1 ;"Our mr ";h$(h((5
   1 ;"OK: heres your ";o$(
   1 ;"OK: Who's the owner -":
   1 ;"No-one else should be at";
   1 ;"No word from ";h$(v1):
   1 ;"Master is ";p$(t);
   1 ;"MMM - Tasty!":
   1 ;"Items held:":
   1 ;"I've nobbled ";h$(
   1 ;"Gore's";
   1 ;"Goods not found ---":
   1 ;"Dungeon!";
   1 ;"Cursor";
   1 ;"Current situation:":
   1 ;"Couldn't do the job!":
   1 ;"Any key restarts ---":
   1 ;": ";o$(ta);": ";
   1 ;"1000 cr fine for ";p$(b):
   1 ;"10 moves"
   1 ;" That's it ";p$(t):
   1 ;" Game restart --
   1 9 Say what you want with me---
   1 8 The guard midge isat your service   honourable sir
   1 , The fighter
   1 +ta);" cr":
   1 +(y$="sel")+21
   1 *(y$="lea")
   1 *(y$="buy")+31
   1 * Well I'm here -   Now what do you   want with a jester
   1 ))-((x$="7")
   1 ))-((x$="5")
   1 (r(t)/10000
   1 (r(t)-x1*10000
   1 ( You called for a  Herald, Sir - Whatis your wish
   1 ( I have news for   you Master - How  much will you pay me for it -
   1 & I refuse to talk  to you - go away!!
   1 & Always pleased to see a valued
   1 $ What is your
   1 #(FPKPFU<A<F<F
   1 "token bearer"
   1  who gives raven's pen    The creature you lack    is winged and black
   1  timepiece  comb
   1  spy-glass  mirror
   1  service master
   1  seek out a blue stone    Take to your Lord
   1  screwdriverladder
   1  parchment  carpet
   1  old key    new key    iron key   hammer
   1  customer sir- whatare your wishes---
   1  crowns per call   This is Midge - a guard who knows   about security in the Castle:- use  him for 35 crowns Pascal is a heraldwho moves freely  about the castle  He will work for  you for 30 crowns Sourgut is a chef with many useful  contacts - he willpass information  on for 40 crowns  This is Merry the Jester - he often hears gossip at   court - 25 crowns for information   Bradshaw is from  the library and   can supply arcane insight for 35    crowns a call
   1  crowbar    locket
   1  compass    lodestone  rod
   1  command O noble   one---
   1  You'll need a quill firstand parchment to write onYou need parchment first What's next ---
   1  You have the scroll!!    
   1  You have done verywell indeed in thetest - I hereby   nominate you as mysuccessor!
   1  What's your move now -   You cant call from here! Who is on trial, TipstaffWhat is he charged with -Who brings the charge -  What proves his guilt -  Wait while we consider - We find him guilty!
   1  What's next ----
   1  What it is that   you want with
   1  What is it that   you want with me
   1  We find him not guilty!  Our decision is this:-   Any mercy plea ---
   1  Tipstaff Fernando
   1  This is Orlando - a fearsome fighterwith a reliabilityof 85: It costs 50crowns to call himOrsini is a court-ier: He can offer information on thecourt for 30
   1  There's something inside!The bird swoops, grabs!  It flies a little way offThe bird swoops to eat!  It drops a small paper!  The bird flutters away   Not with your bare hands!Great! Your back's sore  You cannot reach it
   1  The old Book of Signs    He rules over men
   1  The Lore Master's sword  You seek a small thing:  The keeper Gore's ring   Success if he finds
   1  Speak your mind---
   1  Sourgut here
   1  Sorry, it wont open -    Try saying which one --- Who are you giving to ---Impertinence! 1000cr fineWhat is it that you give Good! And now the word!  Everyone to the screen!! You are incommunicado!   The Lore master is found!With a creak, it opens!  A rope ladder descending Sorry, I can't help you -Let Gore see his ring!   Iron keys for iron doors You seek paper and scrollOld key - it opens well! poke around panels!!
   1  Something which flies    fiery circles in skies   Back from Dancig amigo:  Abracadabra, Hey Presto  Soft and small measure-  Squeeze is no pleasure   Enthroned, you sit -
   1  So now what -
   1  Since you pay me  most generously   for my services   I am ready now to go to work ---    You can buy any ofthese items from  gamp: just press  the item number - '0' to continue---
   1  Say what you want and hurry up
   1  Player 3 is PorcusHe is a merchant  who is - some say-very rich: he willsometimes lend out4th player is the Tipstaff, FernandoHe is a court off-icial who has the power of arrest   This is Banker -hewatches over your cash and transfersfunds -enter 'callbanker' to use him cryssworringbookquilbirdshovscreladdcrowlockparccarpcakeglovbag bottcomploderod chisbelttwiniconhat spy-mirrtongold new ironhammfileflutshearopetimecombscropursgoblpape
   1  Player 1 is Baron Grasper: He is a  Landowner who can offer protection  to his friends    2nd Player is the cleric Ambrose- hecan dispense Graceto those in need, for a price
   1  Passcode:-   833  Wealth:-   09920
   1  Passcode:-   476  Wealth:-   09950
   1  Passcode:-   455  Wealth:-   09950
   1  Passcode:-   318  Wealth:-   09800
   1  Orlando is at yourservice  -  give  your command
   1  On your own head be it!  >
   1  My name is Fellini
   1  Merchant Porcus
   1  Lots of paper in library!Remove it from my room!  Gore smiles and gives youa scrap of paper - you   cannot read in the cells!Seek out the scroll!!    Ouch! a rat nips you!!   a paper falls out!!
   1  Looking around, you see:-You hop - very clever!   The parchment is blank   Just one line, it says:- OK- but only one line -- That doesn't work -
   1  It needs a crowbar
   1  I have something  for you, Master - Do you want it
   1  I am the courtier Orsini - what do  you want with me
   1  I am at your
   1  I am always glad  to answer your    call, Master -    Give me your
   1  I am Master of theLore!!!
   1  Hands off my pots!
   1  Greetings Subject
   1  Gore, the keeper  of the dungeon -  Speak out
   1  Good day to you   sir - Do you want to buy or to sell
   1  Good day to you
   1  Give your command You called your   obedient servant, sir - say what youwant with me
   1  From H, to O - think!    Its clearly a drink
   1  Command ---
   1  Brother Ambrose
   1  Birds like cake too!
   1  Be a hit in the cool roomI dig covered ways!!
   1  Bars lift stone
   1  Baron Grasper:-
   1  An iron door is revealed A small hole appears
   1    Meet Gamp -he willbuy and sell any- thing, no questionasked: enter 'callgamp' to use him
   1     this turn  
   1     of a prison
   1     inputs on  
   1     cell. You  
   1     can try 3  
   1     a dank hole
   1     You are in